Dear Olivier:

  首先,我必須要先跟你認錯,自以為聰明的我,不知道按了那一個遙控器的button,電視看不到畫面了!So sorry kai~(泰文女性必有結尾音)

  再來,除了想向你表達深切的感謝之意外,我還想表達些羨慕之情,you know,一個人住的壞處除了有點寂寞外,優點是可以擁有極度的自由,我想我羨慕你擁有的自由。



1.       感謝你day one還扛著疲備的身軀在半夜12點來機場載我們回你的公寓。

2.       感謝你大方的分享你Bankok and Pataya 的公寓給陽光亮麗的小女子我享受曼谷的陽光及Payata的悠閒。

3.       感謝你不辭辛勞的載著我們勞碌奔波來往於各地市內的餐廳及距Pataya50公里外的小村莊。

4.       感謝你分享你可愛的帆船,讓我體驗到第一次站在私人帆船上野餐的有趣,這不僅是我第一次上帆船,也是我第一次全程用破英文與朋友及朋友的朋友相處。

5.       感謝你一連三天都帶著我們去Bankon的高級夜店及容忍我僅穿著短褲跟隨你四處遊走(屋上的Loung Bar海灘邊的Loung BarFace印度Lounge Bar)


    最後,我要感謝你的耐心及善良,讓我充份感覺到在異地卻擁有如Pataya海水的溫暖(雖然我們沒下水),謝謝你的公寓及你的一切! 祝你一切安好順利(哦!這點不用,因為你已經是個褔星了)。"Lucky Star”Kai~((泰文女性必有結尾音)


English Version:

Dear Olivier:
    First of all , I need to confess that i don't know which button I pushed and now the TV could only hear the sounds but no pictures~ So sorry Kah~(Thai Woman) .
    Secondly, except to thank you again and again, I would also like to express my envy to ur life!! They only weak point to live alone is loneness, besides that, you could have extremely freedom, so i think ~ i envy that the free life you own and the joy of sailing you go.
    And now, Here are the lists to thank you !!
1. Thank you for the first day to pick us up @ midnight with ur extremely tried body.
2. Thank your for sharing with us your Bangkon and Pataya beautifal flat with" Sunny Bright" me~ and so that I could enjoy the bright sun @ Bangkok and The relaxing feel @ Pataya!!
3. Thank you for bring those days to bring us to Pattaya county side and all the restaurant.
4. Thank you for sharing with us your sailing boart, this is my first time to have such joyful experientce to picnic on the private boat. This is not only my first time on boat, but also my very first time to chat with friends and friend's friend with my lousy English .
5. Thank you for hanging out with us to those very nice restaurant's & bars!! and bearing with me with my shorts to go to those high-end places!!

At last, I would like to thank you for your patience and your kindness. I feel the warm from you as warm as the sea@ pattaya(though we did not swim yet~)Thank you and thank you for everything  you did for us. All the best to you and good luck to you !!( Ohh~ maybe you don't need~ because you're already our lucky star kah~(Thai Woman)

Fannie 2008/05/27


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